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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I place a order?

Simply contact us and we will reach out to you with what you would like and a price quota.

Payment & Shipping

We accept PayPal, credit/debit cards, prepaid cards. Most of the time your order will be delivered within 48 hours or less, each products delivery time varies therefore there is a delivery time on each product. All orders are digital online services therefore nothing will be shipped to your house. We won't need a shipping address but a billing address of your payment as that's how payment checkouts work.

Returns & Refunds

There are no returns/refunds. The only way I can possibly refund is if the service didn't work. I am able to do replacements so in the rare occasion if a service went wrong i'll just redo it or replace it so don't worry.

Would like to ask a question?

If you got any more questions, feel free to message us via the contact page here: contact us.

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